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Take Advantage of Your Existing Dental Benefits Now, Before the Year Ends

November 13, 2012

We’re well into November now. That means, with less than two months to go until 2013, many patients will see their current dental benefits expire soon. Which is why we wanted to use today’s post to talk about what that means so you can make the most of what you have while you still have it.

For most plans, dental benefits don’t rollover from one year to the next. Instead, they’re renewed. That means you’ll be facing a new deductible next year that you’ll need to pay before your insurance company starts covering care. If you’ve paid your deductible for 2012, why put off important care till next year—when you’ll have a new deductible to pay—when you could do it now and benefit from the help your insurance provides?

Another reason to use your benefits now is that your premiums or co-pays may be different next year. Without knowing what they will be, it can be difficult to plan for next year. But because you know what your current fees are, you can make plans now for getting the care you need.

Do you already know you need care? Is it time for your next checkup and cleaning? Don’t wait until next year to get started. Call Giamberardino Dental Care in Medford today to reserve your appointment. Dr. Giamberardino and his office proudly serve patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and beyond.