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Maximize Your Dental Benefits Before the Year Ends

September 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Anthony Giamberardino @ 2:16 am
December 31 calendar

If you have dental insurance, then you probably know that you are likely to lose out on all your unused benefit for the year after December 31. This is because your dental insurance benefits reset every new year. But what does this mean for you? If you want to make the most of your dental insurance plan, this is a great time of year to take advantage of everything that your insurance provides, especially if you have issues that need to be taken care of. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist in Medford about why and how you should maximize your dental benefits before the end of the year.


Which Toothbrush Is Right for You?

September 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Anthony Giamberardino @ 9:44 pm
Container of toothbrushes

In order to maintain optimal oral healthy, brushing your teeth twice a day is a must! But many people don’t realize exactly how many different types of toothbrushes are out there. Each and every person has a unique smile, so a brush that works great for someone else may not necessarily be the best choice for you. Your dentist in Medford explains they types of toothbrushes that are out there so you can decide which one would be the best fit to keep your teeth clean.
