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Why Visit the Dentist in Medford Every 6 Months?

January 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Anthony Giamberardino @ 3:40 am

regular visits to the dentist in medfordVisiting the dentist twice a year takes up just about four hours out of a whopping 8,760 annually, and it can help you enjoy a healthy smile for a lifetime to come. It’s a tiny investment in time for a huge reward — so why do so many adults avoid regular dental care? Perhaps they don’t really realize why these appointments with the dentist in Medford are so important. Here, we’ve listed the top five reasons you shouldn’t ignore your regular dental care. Keep reading, then contact us to schedule an appointment today!


Dentist in Medford Explains What to Do In a Dental Emergency

January 22, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Anthony Giamberardino @ 3:42 am

dentist in medford provides emergency careYou know what to do in the most common emergencies: house fire, call the fire department. Broken bone, emergency room. Spotty internet? Get ready to wait on hold. But what do you do when you experience a dental emergency? Skip the ER — unnecessary trips put a strain on everyone. Dr. Anthony Giamberardino, your dentist in Medford, is equipped to handle most urgent situations. What you do in the meantime can mean the difference in saving your tooth or not, so here’s what to do in a dental emergency.
