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11 Traits of a Beautiful Smile: How Many Do You Have?

April 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Anthony Giamberardino @ 1:33 pm
Young smiling woman showing OK sign on gray

According to a national survey from the American Dental Association, people rank the smile over eyes, hair, and body as the most attractive physical feature in others. But what exactly makes some smiles appear more attractive than others? Your dentist in Medford shares 11 scientifically proven traits that the brain assesses when looking at a smile — and reveals how cosmetic dentistry can help dental flaws disappear. 


Why Does Your Dentist Take X-Rays of Your Mouth?

April 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Anthony Giamberardino @ 12:38 am
Dentist in Medford holding dental X-ray

During every routine checkup, your dental team cleans and carefully examines your teeth and gums. However, sometimes your dentist in Medford also must take X-rays to see beneath the surface of your smile. Have you ever wondered why dental X-rays are so important? Keep reading below to learn how X-ray technology works and how it contributes to your oral health. 
