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What Causes Bad Breath, and How do I Get Rid of It?

May 12, 2018

Woman covering her mouth to hide bad breathOne of the most common questions dentists hear from their patients is how to get rid of bad breath. For those patients with occasional bad breath, you may be able to get rid of it by making some small changes in your oral hygiene and dietary habits. For patients with chronic bad breath (halitosis), you may need more advanced preventive dentistry services, prescription oral hygiene products, and/or gum disease therapies to improve your breath. A good dentist can help you achieve minty fresh breath and keep the smile on your face. In this post, we’ll talk about some of the causes of bad breath and how you can improve your breath in partnership with a trusted dentist and dental care team.

The Dentist Medford Trusts Reveals the Effect of Tobacco on Oral Health

November 19, 2015

young woman with a beautiful smile breaking a cigarette thanks to the dentist medford trusts for the facts on tobacco and oral healthIt’s no secret that tobacco use isn’t healthy. It says so right on the package. On cigarettes and other smoked tobacco warnings from the Surgeon General proclaim, “smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy.” On smokeless tobacco packages, such warnings as this product can cause mouth cancer, gum disease, and tooth loss, are found. The truth is that all of these warning should be attached to every package of tobacco whether it is smoked or smokeless. The oral health effects of tobacco range from the most mild bad breath and dental stains, to oral cancer which accounts for one death every hour in the US. Regular preventive dentistry checkups can help diagnose and treat these oral health concerns at the earliest stages, but the only way to truly prevent these effects of tobacco usage is to kick the habit.

The Facts about Mini Dental Implants Medford

November 9, 2015

Man with a beautiful smile thanks to mini dental implants medford trustsDental implants are fast becoming the most popular tooth replacement option. Unlike other dental restorations, dental implants restore the entire tooth from the roots up offering a more stable, longer lasting result. Additionally, dental implants aid in bone and gum tissue retention. Dental implants are a great technique for offering superior tooth replacement. Unfortunately, patients with bone density loss and immune compromising health conditions like diabetes, have been unable to benefit from dental implants due to the size of the implant post and the amount of healing time required. Mini dental implants are an innovative new type of implant that offers patients who may have been unable to receive traditional implants an opportunity to complete their smiles in just one appointment.

Get Great Tips for Taking Care of Dentures Medford Residents

October 19, 2015

Tips on caring for dentures Medford residents can trustWhen advised to consider full or partial denture tooth replacement, patients have many concerns including impact on their ability to chew and speak clearly and smile appearance. Advances in denture creation and materials makes them more comfortable and attractive than ever, and for patients with numerous missing teeth, they are an affordable, comfortable tooth replacement option. Once you’ve chosen to have a denture proper care is essential to retaining comfortable fit and extending the life of your denture. With thorough at home care and regular maintenance visits at Giamberardino Dental Care, denture wearers are able to enjoy comfort and stability like the day they received their dentures for years.

CEREC Dental Crowns: Same Day Crowns in Medford

September 21, 2015

Smiling young woman

If you have broken, damaged, missing or misshapen teeth, you may know that dental crowns are a good option for restoring your smile to one you’re proud to flaunt. These caps look just like your real teeth, and are strong enough to allow you to continue living your life with a smile you’re proud of. At Giamberardino Dental Care, we’ve been helping our patients get the smile they want with dental crowns for decades.

Dental bridges vs. Dental Implants, Medford, What’s Right for You?

August 5, 2015

Woman smiling with dental implants from giamberardino dental careDental bridges are tried and tested. The first dental bridge was used 1000s of years ago as jewelry! In 700 BCE, the Etruscans adorned their teeth and filled in gaps with precious metals to display their wealth. Many people think that dental implants are a relatively new smile restoration option by comparison, but actually the Mayans who lived only 100 years later used sea shells, jade, and other human or animal teeth for restoration. Despite the rudimentary methods, these implant procedures were actually quite successful. Skulls discovered in recent years show that these materials fused with the bone, and the bond has lasted long after the patient’s death. So, how’s a modern patient to choose? Dr. Anthony Giamberardino and his Medford, MA team are here to help you choose the restoration method that’s right for you, but first, we recommend finding out more about each treatment. Call to schedule a tooth replacement evaluation and consultation today.

Superior General Dentist, Medford, MA

July 20, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-474778960A century ago, poor oral hygiene among Americans joining the military during WWI was considered a national security risk. Less than 10% of people in the United States owned a toothbrush, and even fewer purchased toothpaste (a snake oil type product peddled by door to door salesman). Today, more people own smartphones than toothbrushes. It was clear in 1914 and it remains clear today, a stronger emphasis on preventive dentistry could help keep people healthy, save them time and money, and allow them to keep their smile for a lifetime. A study started in 2006 by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention showed that in less than a decade the percentage of North Americans over the age of 60 who needed dentures has decreased from 31 to 25%, and this seems to be a growing trend. Preventive dentistry is responsible for increased numbers of adults who can retain their smile for life. Preventive dentistry including regular dental checkups can help you keep natural smile. Call to schedule a six month checkup with Dr. Anthony Giamberadino in Medford, MA, or to ask about our new patient specials.

Why Six Month Checkups?

As a result of the distressing number of military personnel with severe oral health issues during WWI, dentists decided that preventive care should be stressed. They knew people should start seeing the dentist before they had problems rather than after, but there wasn’t a lot of research letting them know how often would be the most beneficial, so they made a guess. They started recommending regular dental visits twice a year. Now, this was a highly educated guess made by professionals, and it may not have worked if it weren’t the help of the marketing masterminds behind Pepsodent tooth powder.

In a series of advertisements in the 1920s, Claude Hopkins created ads that promoted twice daily tooth brushing with Pepsodent, and twice a year dental visits to keep teeth feeling clean. The ads used a simple habit building formula: cue, result, repeat. The “cue” was the gritty feeling on the surface of the teeth. The ads encouraged people to run their tongues over their teeth in the morning and at night before brushing to feel the texture. Then, brush with Pepsodent tooth powder (paste didn’t come along until the 1950s), and run your tongue over your teeth again. The result clean, smooth, perfect smiles. The only way to keep your smile that way? Twice a day brushing and twice a year dentist visits.

This habit created an entire industry. The first dental hygienist was trained in 1913, but the wide spread training of hygienist started in conjunction with the ad campaign. Additionally, tooth brushes and powders were sold at the local apothecary or pharmaceutical store not just by door to door salesman, and many dental offices began giving free tooth brushes to patients around this time. Eventually, dental insurance companies were formed, and they too supported the six month checkups by covering dental checkups twice a year. Mr. Hopkins, in short, may have had more influence on dental health than any dentist ever has.

Missed a Few Checkups and Need a General Dentist, Somerville?

So the source of the six month dental visit may be a little lacking in research based, evidentiary support, but since the 1920s, the dental community has gathered some hard evidence to support their predecessors’ lucky guess work. Studies show that patients who have their teeth cleaned every six months have a significantly lower risk for ever having tooth decay, gum disease or tooth loss. Children who have six month visits starting from the eruption of their first tooth can receive preemptive orthodontic care so their teeth develop straight and evenly spaced rather than fixing them later with more difficult, painful orthodontia. Dental innovation has also allowed screenings and treatment of bruxism, oral cancer, and TMJ disorder during six month visits. These potentially serious health concerns when diagnosed in their early stages can be treated with minimally invasive, conservative dental methods.

Some behavioral habits indicate that you may need more frequent visits to the dentist. This includes smoking, eating large quantities of sugary or processed foods, irregular oral health care routines, and conditions like bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching) and dry mouth that make the teeth more susceptible to decay. Other patients who eat healthy, maintain an excellent at home dental hygiene routine, and are physically healthy may be able to get away with skipping a checkup, but why risk it? For every year without a dental checkup your chances for serious periodontal (gum) disease, oral cancer and tooth loss increases exponentially. It turns out that the habit started by a toothpaste ad in the 1920s, may just be one of the best habits you can adopt today.

Call Your General Dentist, 01890

William Bernbach once said, “The most powerful element in advertising is the truth.” At Giamberadino Dental Care of Medford, MA, we agree. Our practice is dedicated to providing individual, preventive care so our patients have fewer cavities, and more smiles. Call to schedule your checkup today. Our friendly dental care staff welcomes patients from Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and nearby communities.

Teeth Whitening for a Summer Bright Smile in Medford, MA

June 30, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-187957730So, does Massachusetts deserve an awesome summer, or what? After the winter we survived, everyone in Medford, MA, and the surrounding communities should have a very enjoyable summer. And with all there is to do in the area—cheer for the Red Sox, have a clambake on the Cape, explore the New England Aquarium, stroll through old Boston, sail down the Charles River—there will be plenty of smiles to go around. If you want to make sure your smile will look its best, then now is the time to visit Dr. Anthony Giamberardino for teeth whitening Medford can rely on for a brighter smile.

If your teeth are yellowed, stained or otherwise discolored, then you’re in good company. Millions of Americans have less than perfectly white smiles and the reasons are all generally the same:

  • Commonly consumed foods and drinks, such as berries and tomatoes or coffee and red wine
  • Smoking and chewing tobacco are prime culprits for stained teeth
  • Certain medications, such as the antibiotics tetracycline and doxycycline
  • Teeth grinding and clenching, which can darken the biting surfaces of your teeth
  • Improper oral hygiene
  • The aging process
  • Tooth injuries
  • Genetic predisposition to teeth that are more yellow, brown or gray in color

Teeth Whitening Summerville Smiles For this Summer!

Sure, there are plenty of over-the-counter options for teeth whitening. The problems with those are that you have no idea how long they’ve been sitting on the store shelf. And the longer they sit, the less potent the whitening formula becomes. At Dr. Giamberardino’s office, we offer take home teeth whitening kits that you can be certain are full strength. Our take home kit includes custom-fitted whitening trays and professional grade bleaching gel. Simply fill the trays with gel and wear them for the amount of time Dr. Giamberardino instructs.

For people who have staining or discoloration that will not respond to teeth whitening, we also offer porcelain veneers, which are adhesively bonded to the front side of the teeth in your smile zone in order to create a clean and white smile.

Call Our Office Today

If you would like to learn more about the teeth whitening, Winchester will be choosing for the most dazzling smiles this summer, then call our office.   Dr. Giamberardino is a trusted cosmetic dentist, now proudly restoring smiles daily throughout Medford, MA, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and the neighboring areas.

Magnificent Porcelain Veneers in Medford, MA

April 20, 2015

Have you ever considered of getting a smile makeover? Do you wonder what it would be like to have a pristine, beautiful smile that can turn heads? We all want to have a dreamlike smile that will have others staring. Who doesn’t want a set of white teeth that will improve the personal and professional aspects of your life? Achieving your fantasy smile is not a dream anymore, and you can gain a lovely set of teeth in just two dental appointments. Giamberardino Dental Care can give you a celebrity-like smile with the aid of porcelain veneers.

What are Porcelain Veneers?

If your teeth are chipped or discolored, Dr. Giamberardino, an expert practitioner with years of dental experience, and his team of caring professionals can utilize porcelain veneers.  Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain used to recreate the natural look and strength of teeth. The porcelain strips are shaped and placed on the teeth, correcting the shape, size, and color of your teeth. We are passionate about providing beautiful smiles to every patient, and after receiving this treatment, we can guarantee you will love your new, luminous smile.

How Do I Get Them?

porcelain veneersIf you are considering this treatment, we first need to set up an initial consultation. Our experts need to examine your mouth, take impressions, and make sure veneers are right for you. After taking impressions, we may need to remove some enamel to make room for the porcelain veneers, though it is not a significant amount removed. We will create your veneers in our special laboratory and prepare them for the bonding process. When the veneers are ready, we will have you come back into the office for another appointment. We will cement the veneers to your teeth and make any adjustments, if necessary. After the veneers are properly bonded, we will send you on your merry way with a phenomenal new smile.

Get the Smile of Your Dreams

Are you ready to get the smile you always wanted? Call our office today and schedule your consultation with our team. We absolutely love providing warm, gorgeous smiles for every patient who comes into our office, and we welcome everyone who lives in Medford, MA, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and the neighboring communities.

Pristine Dental Implants in Medford, MA

April 14, 2015

Do you often dream of having a complete, beautiful smile? Everyone wants to have an amazing smile that can be displayed to the world, wowing family, friends, and co-workers. Unfortunately, tooth decay, oral infections, mouth injuries, and facial trauma leads to tooth loss for thousands of Americans every year. The loss of a tooth can cause a lot of pain and frustration, and it can have a negative effect on self-image, causing embarrassment. Giamberardino Dental Care, located in Medford, MA, offers a permanent solution for tooth loss in the form of dental implants.

Why Dental Implants?

dental implantsYour teeth are an incredibly important asset, and the loss of a tooth can be detrimental. A missing tooth may just seem like a nuisance at first, but over time, it can lead to serious problems for your mouth. Your jawbone requires stimulation from your teeth throughout the day. Your teeth make contacts from chewing, touching each other, etc., which in turn provides stimulation for the jaw. When a tooth is missing, the stimulation for that area no longer occurs. The jawbone will begin to deteriorate, losing mass, height, and width. A dental implant, placed by Dr. Giamberardino and his caring staff, can restore function to the mouth and prevent jawbone issues.

What is the Procedure Like?

Receiving dental implants is a rather simple treatment. Initially, we will take impressions of your mouth and begin planning the procedure. We will coordinate our plans with the finest local specialists, who will surgically bond a biocompatible titanium post into your jawbone. During a healing period, your jaw will naturally grow over the post, accepting it. When the healing process is over, we will finish the rest of the restoration at our office, cementing a durable, strong replacement tooth to the post. Afterward, you will be able to walk out of our building with a complete, beautiful smile.

Receive Our Stellar Treatment Today

Don’t let a missing tooth hinder your daily routine. Allow our brilliant team to give you a beautiful, complete smile and restore your oral health with dental implants. If you need to replace a missing tooth, contact us today to schedule your appointment with our friendly, welcoming staff. We are proud to offer our services to Medford, Winchester, Somerville, Malden, Everett, and the surrounding communities.